

Marie Michèle PEZIN [is] [[a daughter] of Jeanne Marguerite QUENNESSON].

Marie Michèle PEZIN [is] [also] [[[the spouse] of [[a son] of [a 2nd cousin]]] of Jeanne Marguerite QUENNESSON].

Martin RAMETTE ca 1676-/1737 &ca 1701 Marie Catherine BRACQ ca 1676-1742

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Marie Anne Thérèse RAMETTE 1702-1743 &1722
Jean Baptiste LOR 1696-1779
  Jean RAMETTE 1704-1751 &ca 1729
Marie DELATTRE 1704-1741
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Catherine Josephe LOR 1728-1779 &1750
Jean Baptiste Jean QUENNESSON 1727-1817
  Pierre Louis RAMETTE 1736-1787 &1771
Marie Marguerite Joseph MAIRESSE 1740-1817
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Jeanne Marguerite QUENNESSON 1752-1806   Marie Florence RAMETTE 1772-1819 &1789
Jean Baptiste LESTOQUOY 1761-1821
    Jean Baptiste LESTOQUOY 1792-1826 &
Marie Michèle PEZIN 1795-1868

[total]: 3 [relationship links]

[ 祖先 of Marie Michèle PEZIN] [up to] Jeanne Marguerite QUENNESSON: [click] [here].


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