

René Jean Baptiste WARNET [is] [[a brother-in-law of Shara CATTELAIN].

Pierre Joseph CATTELAIN 1806-1888 &1829 Christine Catherine MARTIN 1805

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Shara CATTELAIN 1837-1907   Mélanie Catherine CATTELAIN 1844-1916 &
René Jean Baptiste WARNET 1845

René Jean Baptiste WARNET [is] [also] [[[[the spouse] of [a cousin]] of [the spouse]] of Shara CATTELAIN].

Charles Louis CATTELAIN 1761-1842 & Marie Madeleine (Madelon) Véronique MALFUSON 1759-1816

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Marie Mélanie Josèphe CATTELAIN 1786-1867 &1813
François Benjamin DÉVIGNE 1790-1857
  Pierre Joseph CATTELAIN 1806-1888 &1829
Christine Catherine MARTIN 1805
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Zacharie Jonas DÉVIGNE 1831 &
Shara CATTELAIN 1837-1907
  Mélanie Catherine CATTELAIN 1844-1916 &
René Jean Baptiste WARNET 1845

[total]: 4 [relationship links]


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